In recent years, the event industry has focused on which innovative event formats can and should be implemented to best reach the respective target groups. But what does the event management of the future look like in times of digital transformation?
In an area where time is a limited asset and which is characterized by constant changes, classic project management reaches its limits. This is why we have developed the solution VOK DAMS Agile Event Management.
We developed it based on the best of the agile management approaches of the software industry (Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking) and combined it with our proven quality management according to ISO 9001 ff.
Agile project event management thus provides the answer to the requirements of all those involved in the implementation of efficient and complex communication strategies. With our agile project event management, we have now replaced the more traditional working method of our communication agency. Agile Event Management with more initiative and responsibility, with adaptive planning, quick coordination and the courage to change when required.